Saturday 9 November 2013

Better Late than never

Halloween 2013.
Dinner and the usual fat boi antics

Have to admit I let the side down with my 'costume' since I simply vamped it up a bit; going Gothic (aka lazy).

In my defense though, my very old fashioned shirt dress with the billowing sleeves, button details and shoulder pads was a fair effort.

(Bit of fashion advice if you're like me and already have the shoulders of an American football player...avoid shoulder pads in the same way you'd avoid getting run over by a truck).

Thursday 31 October 2013

Corinne Day 'May the Circle Remain Unbroken'

Only Corinne Day could take a photograph of a battered duck taped arm chair and make you wish your home ware looked that cool. It's been three years since her passing and as the packed retrospective at the tiny Gimpel Fiels gallery off Bond Street showed, she is still inspiring and influencing generations today.

Showing some less publicized photographs, none of which feature Kate Moss, who she helped propel into the fashion spotlight with her ground breaking 'heroin chic' images back in the 90's. There is also a short film showing in the back of the gallery. Focusing mainly on the youth, family, nature and the so called mundane moments of every day life, this exhibit is truly a must see for all fashion, art and photography enthusiasts.

Being a massive fan of The Face magazine, and with her being one of their main contributors during that period, she is still to this day one of my favorite photographers.

Raw, real, vulnerable and uncompromising, her images; so personal and intimate have that true Brit grit appeal.

I left inspired and wishing I was that handy with a camera. The exhibition is on show until the 23rd November.

(my lovely friend and film maker stephanie black,
think she was hungry..)

Think Kanye's gone cray-Z...

Ok so by now everyone has seen the now infamous Zane Lowe interview with Kanye West.

Seen, cringed, clapped, shaken head and probably Lol'd. A LOT.

(How can one go through so many emotions in just one hour? I felt a bit sorry for Mr Lowe, but only a bit- since I'm sure he's met him before.)

He does come off as part tortured frustrated artist; part attention seeking little kid told he can't play with the big boys. But, until I saw the recent images taken from his tour- which I'll go on to a bit later- I was in two minds. Yes, he is the most insecure, egotistical, openly narcissistic artist; and I say artist because although I may not be a crazy fan with a tattoo of 'Yeezus' on my back; I do think he is obviously very passionate, creative and dare I say- innovative as a producer and rapper; or general visual maker.

Even if it's not to everyone's taste, we gotta give the man some credit.

However, even though some of what he said (the rational stuff) had elements of truth to it and his own self belief will and does inspire many; there is a line Kanye, there has to be a filter, some boundaries.

You are not a God! You are not the oracle of truth! Be open to being wrong or people not thinking and feeling the same way as you do. This is just a fact of life! Please deal with it.

Scenes from his latest tour, obviously intending to shock and generate hype, show him with a Jesus look alike on stage. He is also at one point apparently surrounded by female.. disciples ?! Way too many religious overtones to mention looking at the pictures but it seems that your wish has now been granted Kanye; the whole worlds attention is on you and now I bloody want tickets to your UK tour.

Here's part one, of the four part interview which can be found on you tube.

 And here are some of the images taken from his US Tour

 (photos taken from, mtv and google images )

Monday 21 October 2013

M.I.A x Versus Versace

I can't say it's a collaboration I saw coming, but after seeing the full M.I.A x Versus collection it makes perfect sense. I can definitely see M.I.A herself rocking all of the pieces in this collection whilst it still remains true to and is very reminiscent of the old 90's Versace prints / old skool urban aesthetic .
I probably won't be investing in any of the pieces ,but I do love the initial concept behind the collection; 'bootlegging the bootlegs'- kinda genius.

'Logo mania'  - a trend from the 00's that I both hated and loved to be honest-  clothing featuring recognizable symbols, cool statements and (excessive) branding; has come back in full force and was seen all over the catwalks from Alexander Wang's 'Parental Advisory' and laser etched minuscule brand named prints to Celine's 'Love' 'Life'  on the backs of sneakers.

Also, does anyone remember Morgan de toi? Another brand from that period which often had their label smeared on every inch of fabric- I've spent many hours searching for that label on ebay , (there was some serious gems alongside the general tack) and although I hate the idea of free advertising for labels by having their name or symbol brandished across my chest, I secretly love the uniformity of it all. It's kind of like being part of a very stylish cult. Lol.

I can definitely see this being one of the biggest 'trends' for next year.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Recent decent

(bbc 1xtra live, home cooked meals and catch ups, pre karaoke nerves, Tate gallery Sunday Funday)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Coming soon..

I have to admit I do love a bit of 'controversy'. So when films baddest boy Lars Von Trier announced (quite some time ago now) the title of his latest project to be 'Nymphomaniac', I knew he wouldn't disappoint on that front.

The Film Posters look... promising; the actors and actresses appear to be in the throes of passion; having intense orgasms; (although if it wasn't for the film title tho they could also quite easily be on the bloody toilet!) and after finally getting round to watching the trailer, the style itself appears to be miles away from the intensity of the apocalyptic drama that was Melancholia, yet still has that same raw, poetic; somewhat gritty appeal to it.
Disgustingly excited.

Also, for completely different reasons, Steve McQueen's '12 years a slave', based on a true story of a man kidnapped and forced into slavery, is another film I'm more than willing to fork out to see, (although it may have to be a orange Wednesdays- two for one type situation as cinema prices are fricken ridiculous these days).

The film featuring Micheal Fassbinder (of course) is apparently quite a harrowing, unflinching depiction, which in terms of the subject matter is very necessary I feel! I'm actually getting really bored of this softly softly censored approach taken in most Hollywood movies when it comes to something very real or historic in comparison to the extreme sloth type violence shown in the majority of the horror movies/slasher flicks released year after year! (I mean wtf!)

The second installment in the Hunger Games trilogy- Catching Fire is also an obvious must watch. I'm a sucker for fantasy.

Thursday 10 October 2013


Back in July, I had the opportunity to assist the very talented emerging stylist Jack Borkett on a shoot for Stylist Magazine with the supermodel (out last week)

The focus was on the interview which can be read here in full on their website: .

I do have to say though, despite the impression she apparently made on the stylist team, I personally actually found her to be friendly yet assertive...

Anyway, if I never work a shoot again; what a high note to end it on :).

Stylist: Jack Borkett
Photography: John-Paul Pietrus

Wednesday 25 September 2013


deserves her very own post.

Multi colored fur coats and embroidered face printed dress ensembles.. 
That shallow part of me...actually died. 

How does Muicca and the team manage to get it so right and set the tone season after season??! Always remaining one of the most anticipated shows (in my opinion) on the fashion week schedule. Fresh, modern, exciting and experimental yet still very wearable (ok, so most of this may not be popping to the corner shop attire...). 

Those legwarmers and Velcro strapped? pumps= Genius. What fashion (wet) dreams are made of. I predict a fashion editor riot when these go into production.


The Chicken Shop

Although I love Nandos as much as the next British kid, and as big of a foodie I am- I am surprisingly not the biggest fan of chicken; I have even been known to liken the sometimes dry meat to 'licking the ground and swallowing' lol (I do love my jerk tho). However, when the 'Chicken Shop' came highly recommend by someone who's palette I trust, I had to make the trip...

And.. I have to say, Nandos... well, you have some serious competition! The fact that I no longer live or study near Kentish Town where it is located and because it has not yet expanded into a chain are the only things right now working in your favor (that and the free chicken/sides loyalty card--wish every restaurant did that..)

I always feel that when a restaurant menu is this limited (the chicken here of course is the focus) the standard is generally very high. Once you choose whether you want a quarter, half or whole chicken (smokey or hot), they have a choice of sides: chips, corn, coleslaw or butter avocado salad, as well as a small selection of deserts and drinks.(We stuffed our faces with the chocolate brownie and ice cream after the meal but I'm going to pretend that act of gluttony didn't happen)

I paced myself and got the quarter which is enough even for a greedy mofo like myself since I got two sides and then desert. The chips were just right; the crinkle cut reminding me but not tasting at all like school dinner chips! And the delicious butter lettuce and chunky avocado salad, a very nice change from the standard corn and coleslaw option I felt.
I'm seriously getting hungry again just thinking about it all!

My blurry pics are seriously not doing the food any justice.. but I was honestly too immersed to be taking pictures of the food (get in my belly!)

The chicken portions sizes were very generous; you really do get good value for your money here (hate when you're given good presentation but you leave the restaurant hungry--are we rationing?! I say take those leaves and fancy sauce off the side and put some more food on the plate!) and it was only roughly between £12-20 a head, not including drinks.

The star of the show was well seasoned; very succulent and juicy with just the right amount of skin that you will want to eat! The extra sauce on the table was really not needed.
I also had some serious food envy once I finished my portion and my friends, who had gone for the half size, were yet to finish theirs. That should say it all really.

The service was also great. The guys serving us were attentive but not too much for it be annoying and being able to see the chicken prepared in front of us as we ate was another plus. Surprisingly, we didn't have to queue for too long (I've heard the stories) but it is not really a place to eat if you're in a big group due to its small size. All in all I will definitely be a regular at the Chicken Shop and I highly recommend at least one visit, even if it is to see what all the hype is about.

 I am very happy to now be able to tick this one off my very long 'need to eat at' list. Next..

Sunday 22 September 2013


I was somehow lucky enough to win tickets and get to witness these very talented ladies ROCK the stage at the iTunes festival last night..

Of course I was expecting them to be 'good' live but I was seriously blown away---
The chemistry between these three sisters, their energy, their attitude --
some people were simply born to do this.

 Love those crazy 'Stank faces they pull when singing and dancing (i can relate!)

I left an even bigger fan, great night. 

End of an era

I still can't get over the fact that I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work for one of my fashion idols- the stylist Edward Enninful; and his two lovely assistants.
These are just some of the shoots I contributed towards or assisted on during my near 2 year experience there.

It's so sad to say goodbye...
So what next? Can it get any bigger or better than this?